5 Categories of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal and Its Benefits

By Linda

An innovation from Microsoft, Dynamics 365 CRM portal, is now becoming a great help for businesses. You won’t need to dedicate 24/7 to your business, just do you need and give the rest to this trustworthy CRM (Customer Relationship Management) portal.

Dynamics 365 portal also gives a helpful experience, not only for the customers but also for the employees. What kind of pleasant experience does Dynamics 365 give them? See the details below.

Definition of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal

Before knowing what the Dynamics 365 portal is, you need to know the definition of a portal first. A portal is a website that provides a personalized experience for your customers, employees, and partners. What kind of customized experience does it mean? Let’s see the details below.

For example, customers can simply sign in with their email account whenever they need to access your website. Nowadays, people tend to sign in to a particular website with their email address so they won’t need to remember a new password. Therefore, Dynamics CRM can save you time by simplifying it.

Moreover, there are self-services for you to enable, a payment gateway, custom widgets, and many more. Self-service means that your customer would easily find a solution for his query. Meanwhile, a payment gateway allows customers to choose a suitable payment method without opening their mobile bank account.

The Dynamics CRM portal also enables trouble-free collaboration and communication among business partners. So you can easily avoid miscommunication between partners and make perfect teamwork.

Categories of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal

Since the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal has numerous benefits, you should know the categories. There are five types of this CRM, each with divergent functions. Check the features below.

1. Portal for Customer

Have many things on your plate? Don’t worry. Dynamics got your back. You just need to provide some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and their answers. Next time when your customer has questions about particular problems, they will find the solutions immediately there. 

However, if your customer’s query was challenging to answer by the provided data, they could simply ask staff to assist them. You could enable this option in your Dynamics 365 portal.

Furthermore, Dynamics 365 can help you receive some constructive feedback because Dynamics includes a forum where your customers can converse with other members. Naturally, when encountering a problem, they would try to ask for a solution. But if the issue cannot be resolved quickly, they would try to discuss it with other members.

This may seem effortless, but the business will gain essential responses to enhance its service.

2. Staff Portal

Unlike the customer portal, this portal served as an internal space for the staff. They could exchange knowledge in this forum, share documents, give tasks, or interact. Even interacting with supervisors can be done seamlessly through the portal.

Managing all the team members at work wouldn’t be an issue anymore. With the staff portal provided by Dynamics, managers can quickly project tasks to the employees without the need to see them in person.

Even tracking employee summaries couldn’t be easier with Dynamics. The manager could easily track task deadlines, be aware of the employee’s leaves record, and identify their performance—all those tasks organized neatly in one place. Simple and effective.

3. Portal for the Community

The success of a business website can be seen when its community becomes more significant by the day. How do you make those community forums? It’s a no-brainer task since you can use the Dynamics CRM portal.

By building a community portal, you’ll get to promote your business without extra effort. Without you realizing it, experts who usually advise on a particular problem can lure other members; for you, it’s new potential customers.

Killing two birds with one stone. Or whatever you call this benefit.

4. Business Partner Portal

When you partner, simplify all tasks with Dynamics. All components, such as orders, payment history, and invoices, can be accessed in one platform. This process can be smoother, and you can update all the details in one place. 

Redirecting customers to process the payment without leaving your website is one of the benefits. Should one of the banks listed get a problem, customers will be informed so that they can choose other available options.

Customers can also be aware of deals’ availability. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM portal, not only banks as payment methods can be added, but also their promotions on a particular day.

5. Field Service Portal

The last advantage of Dynamics CRM lies in the field service portal. It will show information about agreements, assets, work orders, and invoices. The data will appear after customers obtain Project Service Automation and Field Service.

Partners will regularly receive project information by enabling Project Service Automation. They will quickly obtain information such as quotes, bookable resources, and invoices. Trust received!

Portal Pricing

After knowing Dynamics CRM’s definition, benefits, and categories, you might wonder about its price for a small business website. Look at the details for those who try to find its pricing details here.

There is a package called Dynamic 365 Business Central Essentials for a small business. They offer several benefits as follows:

  • Unlimited users
  • Extensibility and customization
  • Multiple environments
  • Numerous companies
  • Finance management
  • Marketing and sales
  • Delivery and fulfillment
  • Purchasing 
  • Stock 
  • Supply availability and planning
  • Warehouse and project management

However, consider adding two more benefits, which are service and management (including service contract management, service item management, planning, and dispatching). In that case, you may find the premium one more effective. You know better whether to get the Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials or Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium.

What Do You Think About Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal?

Have you decided on using Microsoft Dynamics CRM portal to be integrated with your website? You may find integrating Dynamics CRM with your website will need to be clarified. It’s understandable, but now you can quickly seek the portal connector on the internet. For example, there’s The Portal Connector for Dynamics CRM by Microsoft.

By integrating Dynamics with your website, you can get more than all the benefits mentioned above. Improved communications between partners, customers, and even staff members, what are you waiting for? The benefits are too great for you just to leave it. Grab it fast, and you’ll find ecstasy in running your business.

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